Major Update to Agro-Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculator - 21 September 2020

Food loss reduction and sustainable development, particularly mitigating climate impacts, in food chains are priorities in achieving sustainable development goals. An increasing number of datasets and methods on food-related greenhouse gas emissions are available, as well as food loss datasets. Some aggregated assessments estimate global food loss and waste associated with GHG emissions at about 5% of total anthropogenic GHG emissions. Prioritizing interventions with positive trade-offs between food loss reduction and GHG emission reduction are preferred.

Assessing effects of food loss and waste on reducing interventions on GHG emissions requires analyses at the value chain level; most commonly Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) are used for this purpose. This webinar introduces the Agro-Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission (ACGE) calculator that can be used with substantially less effort than conducting full LCAs.


Jan Broeze - Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands

Heike Axmann - Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands